Monday, August 30, 2010

On Your Mark ...

I worked a shift at the ICU this past weekend ...that means some disarray this morning!

I am in disaster relief mode, which is not good since we started week #3 of Steedly School this morning. We are lagging behind, supposed to be starting in about 10 minutes ..its not gonna happen.

But, I am determining this minute that my use of time resource to get my head together is WORTHY use of those resources! We will start school late, which will make us have to do school a bit after lunch. I will have to postpone my shower til later, and my cup of coffee will not be a leisurely one this day! I will be overwhelmed with laundry for a bit this morning, but it will be better by this afternoon ..

Ultimately, I will feel better because I took the time now to get those things done that will help all the rest of it run smoother.

Do you have those things that need to be done in order for your head to be fully engaged on the most important things in your day?

* is the the dishes done?
* is it your face washed, or your shower taken?
* that cup of coffee, or two?
* your bible reading done? prayer time in?

I have found that sometimes it is worthy of my effort to do what needs to be done to clear my head.

Its not stress, exactly. I dont feel stressed right now, but I can tell that if I dont get a couple of things taken care of before embarking on our day, that I will feel stressed later. I will be irritable if our school table is cluttered, we cant find lunch dishes because the dishwasher hasnt ran, we have to stop school to clean the school room floor enough to play our learning games ...yeah.

So, I need to go do some dishes, start a load of laundry, clean off the school table, straighten the school room and get our home more STRESS LESS!

What can you do right this minute to clear your head?!

Not sure?  ..dont forget to use your Stress List to help you figure it out. Assign some Stress Strategies and get you a great day ready for you! :)

And, most importantly ..dont forget to get your day to God and let Him give your peace in your spirit as you put your hands to the things that are the most important for the tasks He has given you!


  1. What a great post for me to read today! I have a mental thing that if my Monday's don't happen "right" then the rest of the week won't/can't happen right. This morning was our MOPS kick-off so of course I didn't get very much crossed of my list this morning. And now it's afternoon and I can either "give up" on the day, or I can just resume where I left off before we went to MOPS. Somehow it's always easier to just give up instead of jumping back in.

  2. Great reminder sis! It's often more stressful for me to continue the day with the small chores undone. Though I really want to focus on some more important things, the small chores being done often makes the rest of the day go much smoother. Rooms out of place often mean thoughts out of place in my case.


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