Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Grace to Others

I think it is easy to see grace as something that is very "floaty" ..rather ambiguous and even only of the spiritual nature.

I have been made aware in the past week of how God shows his grace to me (thank the Lord for wonderful study and soul level friendships!), largely through others around me. Grace, God's 'unmerited favor', is filtered through those who love us when we are not lovable, or when we are need of strength or blessing.

God shows us grace through an offering of prayer and blessing, and of a meal prepared by a mother who relates to your feeling overwhelmed.  Grace is forgiveness when its not deserved, and a friend allowing you to cry on her shoulder when you have wronged her...or you have been wronged. Grace is when you should be incapable, and yet somehow you have the words, the strength, the resources provided in ways you cannot explain.

Grace is what happens when you move with the rhythm of the spirit, and reach out to a person who others avoid. Or, you forgive someone who has hurt you deeply. Its being kind when someone has falsely accused you, or resisted slandering someone knowing they will not return the favor.

Grace strengthens us, often not by filling us with a supernatural strength in ourselves - but by instructing the hearts of those who are stronger than us to do the lifting for us. Grace teaches us, not always by some deep unlearned understanding but by the example of an older woman or man who have lived their lives for God. Grace provides our needs, when we are incapable or unable to do so ourselves ..and most often to a better and greater degree than we would have ourselves.

Grace is not something that is beyond our ability to experience, except on a spiritual plane ...not by a long shot. We see grace every day. Unmerited favor, extended to us by those in God's kingdom and who are acting has His hands in your life.

How much more important to be God's grace to others. To touch, forgive, cook, babysit, clean, assist, pray, empower, lift and deliver.

"And God is able to make a grace abound TO you so that in all things and at all times, having everything you need you will abound in every good work ....You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God"  2 Corinthians 9:8 and 11

Blessed to participate in ....


  1. Wow what a great post. It has helped me to think about how others help me in ways I didn't recognize before. God Bless.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement :)


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