Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Heart Power Tools

I like a good power drill. I dont mind at all putting furniture together, putting shelves up, hanging pictures and stuff ..but I wouldnt want to do any of that without a power drill.

I admit, though, I do get a little scared of most other power tools. I dont like the saws, or most of the really loud ones. They have so much power, and I dont really know what to do with it. I envision myself doing more harm than good (much harm, in fact :).

But, put into the right hands ..these tools can do amazing things! They dont even compare with their non-powered counterparts, even though they are created and designed for the same purpose.

A screwdriver can screw a screw ...which is what it supposed to do, very well.  You can hang pictures, put shelves together and hang them up too.  But, add some power to that humble tool, and you have just increased both your productivity and your efficacy x100.

Isnt that true of us as well?

We are created for a purpose, and promised to be given "everything you need for a life of godliness through the knowledge of him who called you."  (2 Peter1:3) that you will be kept from being "ineffective and unproductive" vs.8.   

God has equipped us ..."to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."  1Peter 4:10 ..."all these are the work of the one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one (of us) just has he determines." 1 Cor 12:11

He gives us what we need to accomplish the tasks to which he has called us. He gives you to be a mom, another of you to be a wife or a grandmother. He has called you and equipped you with the tools you need to do what he wants you to do for the benefit of His glory and His plan. He has given us everything we need to accomplish these purposes.

Yet, without the full power of his Spirit ...we are just a screwdriver.   A tool still designed for a purpose, still made to do what we do ...but lacking in what we need to be fully effective and productive.

Yet, the power is there ..."God did not give you a spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self-discipline."  2 Tim 1:7

He has not just made us a screwdriver ...but a power drill! His spirit is that super lithium battery pack that just keeps going..and going..and going.

Are you, like me, guilty of doing the job God has called me without using the Spirit to help power it? Are you trying, like me, to sometimes do the job he has given you with an antiquated tool instead one powered by the Spirit who gave you that tool?

I pray for myself, and for you today that you will tap into that Spirit of power! That we can be effective and productive in the things he has called you to today ...but be careful, he may start working in you to create one of those scary power tools that seems too powerful to handle! (wouldnt that be great?!) :)


  1. love love love this visual!! I will probably never use a power drill or a screwdriver without thinking about this!

    Thanks so much!

    I hope you're having a great ifellowship Day!

  2. This is awesome!! I love this concept and the visual it gives me. Thank you Courtney!!


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