Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 10: DeStress the Home

This post was orginally posted on June 24, 2008


So much
of my stress starts at home. I know that I am not the only one whose mood and attitude are determined by her surroundings. Chaos in my home breeds chaos of mind, spirit and body.

Destressing our homes is a long process. Certainly, it cant be dealt with in one post (or at least not one any of us would want to sit and read :) but we can attack it alittle at a time.

First, I have become aware during the study by Elizabeth Green (Life Management for Busy Women) how important it is to LOVE our homes. Just like the Proverbs 31 woman who set about with active passion to building her home, we need to be passionate about our homes.

Our homes are the launching pad for our very important work for the God we serve. Its the base for our fundatmental teachings our children will leave home with. Its the haven they, he and we will return to for rest. Its an active school for teaching and learning vital lessons of God's love and His truth.

Its an important place.

Its takes work and passion to maintain and develop it into something more than four walls. It is not a passive process, but an active one where you as the "Home Manager" are constantly aware of what the residents' needs are, and how they are met. Its a place which is worth the stress and energy to make a haven of peace for your family.

So, we first must realize who important our homes are. And, how important it is that our homes are a place of peace, and not a generator of stress for those who belong there.

A home at peace breeds less stress for everyone involved, breeding a better enviroment for learning and teaching of those therin.

So, where do we start?
First, I would suggest that you ponder for a moment what about your home as whole breeds choas, or lack of peace.
Is it the clutter?
Is it the noise level?
Is it the lack of being there? Or being there too much?
Is it not asthetically appealing to you?
Is it lonely?
Too overwhelming of tasks to be done?
Is it boring?
Is it a reminder of other stresses?
Are there conflictual relationships?
We cant make a plan until we understand the source of stress itself.

Some of these cant be fixed with a simple anecdote or list of strategies. Some of them need careful attention and prayer to improve. Some of these need a prayer of change of perspective, change of heart, or renewed passion.

I will pray that you, dear friend, are able to find the direction you need to find your way through those stresses.


These things are an effort, one that is well worth the work it will involve.

When it comes to the home and all the things that we do there, from the glorious to the less than glorious, we need to remember that we are doing it for the Lord. We are managing the resource of our homes to the glory of our Father. We do not serve the little people or the big ones in our homes, but He who have us our homes to start with :)

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" Colossians 3:23-24

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