Monday, July 12, 2010

Update: My Car Bucket

I have been using my own Car Bucket and wanted to give you an update ...I am LOVING it!

Ashley's idea for using a canvas bin to cart things from car to house, and to keep the mini-van picked up is working great for us!

I found this great bin with wheels at Target for $14.99 is perfect for us, because the boys can help me cart it back and forth.

Some things I have noted since using it myself...

* Ashley is right gotta empty it as soon as you get in the door at home. If not, it will not be ready to take it with you next time out the door

* When it is just me and the boys, it sits in the passenger seat so it is easiest to put stuff in and take stuff out, like snacks for the kids or my wallet for getting cash from the ATM

* It has helped 100% in collecting all the trash that we seem to collect in the van. That really is most of the mess we had in there. Now, ALL of it goes in the CB and I just empty it out as soon as we get in the house

* I found a couple of water bottles at Target for $1. The are for the boys to carry to the car, and stay in the CB when we are at home. They arent for home use, in other words.  That works for us.

Anyways, just thought I would share...thanks again Ashley for sharing your idea!

Have you used the Car Bucket idea in your own life? Tell us about it! 


  1. I haven't used the car bucket yet, but a few months ago, I realized that I was sick of my van being a disaster. Up to that point, I had kept a bunch of toys in the car, and I realized that my kids hardly played with them anymore. Or they would only play with them for a few minutes and then drop them on the floor. I took all the toys out and determined not to leave anything in the van when I got home. Sometimes, it took three or four trips to the van to empty it out completely, but I did it. Now it is a habit, and I love it.

    One thing I do that helps is keep a plastic bin in the back for "church things." I keep the kids' Bibles, my lesson plans, our canned goods for the week, anything I have to give to someone at all goes into my church bin. I need to get another one to be my donation bin. I am always cleaning out and dropping something off at Goodwill. Currently, I have a mess of baby books floating back there, and it would be so nice to have them all in a plastic bin.

  2. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing how it works for you. I need to go check-out a car bucket!!

  3. I have been looking for a car bucket for a few days now. The picture of the one you have is perfect, but we don't have a Target!
    I already have a trash can in my van and a bin for movies and headphones. I love the idea of the car bucket--carrying it back and forth---I can't wait to get mine and start using it. I will blog about it when I get the CB and implement the system.
    Thanks for sharing.


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