Sunday, July 11, 2010

Exactly What You Need

I have to admit, having some of you reading some of my older posts has been great for me. It is reminding me of some things that I have felt very passionate about in the past, and refreshing my resolve in some of those areas.

One thing that I have been reminded of, is how unfair being a christian woman of God is! :)  I dont say that in a whiny or feel sorry for us kinna way ...but its true.

To quote a past post.. Its not fair that I have to think about all of them before me, or that I cant even go potty without considering how it will effect them first.

Its not fair that I cant eat dinner, or even make a plate until all have been fed and filled.

Its not fair that I am responsible for cooking, cleaning, planning, budgeting, managing ...for all of them.

But, its my job. Its my purpose. And, its not about me. Its about God's big picture.

Thankfully, I have realized something even more comforting than that it is simply "my purpose".

I have also been very powerfully struck with how God has not only given us "everything we need..." but exactly what we need!  He not only promises that He will give us all we need to accomplish the tasks to which He has called us, but He then looks to each of us and provides us each with a unique set of resources, tools and equipment to do exactly that.

My "ah-ha" moment was when I was enjoying some visiting time with my girlfriends and one of them was cooing over my two-month old. She was about going crazy from her want of a newborn in her own life ...she has 4 children already. I was amazed with how much she was wanting that #5, since I feel like I am about to lose my mind most of the time with the three I have!

What I realized though, was that this sweet mama and her husband have been given a task. God has called this family to produce many children, and to raise them to love Him. You only have to be with them for a moment, before you see that God has equipped them thoroughly for that task.  Her passion for raising her children is obvious, and his love for his daddy-role is clear as day. They have been tasked, and equipped for it.

How about women who do things extraordinary in your own mind? The blogger, the writer, the speaker, the homeschooling mom, the working mom do they all do what they do with a degree of grace and positive influence?  Because God has equipped them for the task they have been called to!

What has God called YOU to, and also given you not only "everything" but 
"exactly" what you need

I know for me, that I can see what God has equipped me for because when I am doing that thing, I feel refreshed and not stressed. I feel at peace, and like I am where I need to be. Sometimes, that thing is something they may be overwhelming or stressful for someone else ...but I dont feel that way.

If you are a mom, you can be sure that God has called you that very important task raise your babies to know Him. If you are married, then you can be sure that you have been tasked to be a partner for that man and do your part to encourage him to heaven.  From there, we have beautifully diverse tasks in the Kingdom.

What perfectly peaceful thought that I have all that I need to accomplish the tasks which are mine :)

1 comment:

  1. I like this. More and more, I see that the Christians I most admire in this life are the ones who exude peace, even as they are working for the Kingdom. As I seek to imitate them, I am learning to rely more and more on God's provision so that I can serve Him without being stressed out by all the details. It is such a great reminder that God gives us exactly what we need to do the jobs He has for us!


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