We wrap up five weeks of studying grace very specifically this week. By study, I mean we have read, we have written, we have rewritten, we have asked 'so what?' and then 'what else' ...we have pondered, prayed and meditated over scriptures that have enlightened and blessed us.
I can say in all sincerity that I have learned more of this precious gift than I ever feel like I knew before. Many of these lessons have been surprises, as I understand many familiar passages in totally new ways!
I have learned much of grace, and learned what a precious, precious blessing it is!
We have learned ..
* 2 Corinthians 12:8 ...that grace is power. It is sufficient to overcome any of my weakness, and its power is made perfect in my imperfections. Grace makes me strong.
* Titus 2:11-13 ...that grace teaches. It teaches us to say 'no' to ungodliness and gives us the wisdom, righteousness and HOPE for the days to come.
* Ephesians 2:8-10 ...that grace saves. It saves us, so that we can fulfill our purposes and do the things that God has planned for us ..in advance!
* Hebrews 4:15-16 ...that grace gives us confidence and boldness. Through grace, we are able to approach the throne of God with the knowledge that He desires to bless us with mercy and and grace at the right time.
* 2 Corinthians 9:8 ...that grace is all that we need. Its all we need to fulfill the good works God has called us to, and he gives us EVERYTHING we need to not only do well, but to 'abound' in those wonderful tasks!
Grace, is way more than simply "unmerited favor". Its more than a feel good, ambiguous offering of a God who is far away. It is real. It is an awesome gift that we continue to rely on, be filled with and we are utterly dependent on for any hope of being part of God's kingdom.
I have learned that grace is not something that is a vague and simply in the 'spirit' realm - but it is tactile, touchable, viewable and obvious. Grace is what happens to a person when they allow God to fill them up, and move their bodies, spirits and circumstances beyond the here and now and to a place of blessing and testimony.
Grace is what I see in active form when I see ...
* a young mother and wife whose husband has left her to follow the desires of his heart. Who nurtures those around her through the hurt that divorce brings, and is able to minister to her children, to his family and to all those who are touched by choices that arent her own.
* another young mother who is facing a disease that threatens to take her life, yet her family, friends and loved ones gather around and minister to her in beautiful and real ways. So that, regardless of the outcome she has the blessing of nurtured relationships with her husband and children throughout these precious moments.
* a couple, who 'should' be about to start a new phase of their life as 'empty nesters', instead move their life to a place where their nest will never be empty, and their 33 years of parenting experience will come in handy as they minister to God's children in another country.
* ministers of Christ's church who devote their life to teaching, correcting, loving and nurturing God's people with little or no reward this side of heaven.
* victims of the devastation of nature from the past few weeks as they start to put their lives back together, and yet continue to bless the Lord and his people by encouraging and uplifting others who have lost their physical blessings
* a mother who seeks to bless her children on a daily basis - with touch, with teaching, with nurturing, with guiding and unconditional love. Who can overcome lack of sleep, lack of physical reward, lack of recognition.
These, and so many more are examples of how God's grace is active and powerful amongst his people.
Have you learned of grace these weeks? Are you more aware of it as you look around and see his hand powerfully working? ...do share, and may God's grace bless you abundantly!
{Welcome ifellowshippers! ..so glad you came by to visit!}
{Welcome ifellowshippers! ..so glad you came by to visit!}
As I've told you personally, I've seen grace in my husband. I think he has always abounded in it, but for some reason, grace has been largely off my radar until this study. I just didn't think too much about it. But this spotlight on grace has made me more aware of it in others--and made me realize that Greg truly does abound in it!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this study and for all you do to bring others closer to God!
Sounds like a great study! Thanks for sharing.